Wednesday, October 28, 2009



In some ways the most basic human function can be seen as making choices. When stopping to consider the millions of choices we make in a day, it is remarkable and quite impressive to see how our attitude and perception might mitigate our actions. From deciding to sleep in to choosing to be kind----we become "mind-managing" machines. So, it seems, if our minds control our behaviors, what controls our minds? Is it past experience? Intuition? Luck? What causes some of us to do one thing while others another? And what makes some choices "good" while others are "bad"? Who gets to decide that? Is it the same for everyone, or person-specific? Well, when it comes to the self (where I think it must FIRST begin), I think that each individual bears an internal compass, guiding them in the direction that offers the best route for the greater good. . The choices we make, or fail to make, often leave us with a certain sensation that either pleases or displeases us. So ,how do we control which direction our compass points? For me, it has to start with listening. Perhaps this is the most difficult starting place. I wish i could say that my regrettable choices were simply a matter of not KNOWING what was right for the situation....but that would be a cop-out. Instead, I am usually slightly (if not wholly) aware of what is in my best interest, I just lack the complacency to exercise the necessary patience or persistence. Maybe intuition is like a muscle, the more you listen and trust it, the stronger and more reliable it becomes. I guess this could be considered the mental weight-lifting of our souls. Never easy to start, but as you strengthen the weight eases up and so do our minds. Have a good day everyone. And dont forget, only YOU can make tat choice ;)

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