Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What is "right"?

There are some days where its as if everything just makes complete and total sense. There is order, reason behind the day--and advantage to the present circumstance. But there are also other days. Days when you question EVERYTHING. Days when what made total sense a mere 24 hours ago, is completely cast into question at the present. So how do you know if the present circumstance is "right"? Is there some sort of life measuring stick that tells you your right on track? And if your not on track, does shit have to totally hit the fan before you wake up and get your ass in gear? What does it take?

Well, for me--I wonder that very thing. Am i wasting the blessings I've got? I think the real answer to whether or not a person is on track lies precisely on their happiness barometer. Am I as happy as I want to be? If not, why NOT? What is it that keeps me from being 100% satisfied, and why am I not just reaching out and grabbing it? Is it really that simple? What if what makes you happy can't be acquired by simply flipping a switch---do you have to spend the interim being miserable? Maybe happiness lies in the process. Maybe it's not some linear equation that unfolds nice and systematically. Maybe, just maybe, real happiness is in the REACH toward "happiness" (Whatever that maybe for someone) rather than the actually "happiness" itself. What if, it were possible to draw happiness towards you like a magnet by simply enjoying the process. SO maybe you have to force yourself at first, fake like trying really hard is actually a load of fun...fool yourself into loving the journey than fantasizing about the finish line. Afterall, the finishline is only as great as the road leading up to it. Do the "right" thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes happiness must be cultivated from within. Then, since itis a part of the being, is is a natural process of day to day emotions and becomes the norm rather than the exception.