Monday, March 17, 2008

anti-drug campaigns

When you're in grade school you're bombarded with all sorts of "DARE" parephenalia: pins, pencils, bracelets, ribbons--you name it, they got it. All of this telling you that drugs will make you make bad choices, slow your central nervous system, deteriorate your brain cells, contain the potential for long term negative effects ect. But does this really deter the same beer-bonging, cig smoking, curious minds that it attracts. FUCK NO! of course not! if these anti-drug campaigns want to disenchant these young minds, it must speak their language. Tell them smoking weed causes immense wieght gain--LIE! Tell them ecstacy will leave you with the worst emotional-attatchement issues ever (Not a lie, but still a worthwhile scare tactic), tell them coke gives you herpes for goodness sake! but whatever they do--stop pushing that horse shit about my brain cells. Really though, most people my age don't buy into anything they cant tangibly see or experience........and brain cells--don't fit in that category. I don't mean to sound like a complete shallow and uneducated bitch, but let's be real--scientific terms scare no one. If you really want bang for your buck then flashy is the only way to go. Flashy--big, bright, neon (oooooohhhh la la) blinking, eye-popping falacies! feed them to these grammer school tadpoles in order to prepare them for their future in temptation pond. So maybe my idea isn't PC or "appropriate" for elementary schools--but that didn't stop Jaime Lynn Spears (a nationally syndicated Nickelodian network Televsions star) from getting knocked up, so it isn't going to stop me from using phony scare tactic lies to deter kids from drug use.

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