Monday, March 17, 2008

breaking in

Hopes, wishes, what if's, one day's, somedays, and eventully's are all thoughts that pass through any ambitious person's head. One Day I'll be the CEO of __________, Someday I'll have the perfect_____________, Eventually I'll meet the right __________, Hopefully I'll get promoted to _________. Having ambition means recognizing your desires now and channeling your energy to produce those results in the future. These goals and aspirations are, though, come with price tags. We are forced to make decisions, often difficult--or to face tough situations which challenge us to rise to the occasion. Nothing worthwhile comes without work. Our dreams aren't free. They're hard EARNED man-hours. But what happens when the challenge of "hard EARNED man-hours" is too difficult? How do I know to press onward, when there is seemingly every obstacle in my way? How do learn to see myself as capable of taking the necessary steps in order to achieve my dreams?

I'm not sure. I don't know how to make myself buck-up when I'm intimidated. I sure as hell can play the part well though. The truth is, I'm just not fooling myself. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's extremely easy for me to rise to the occasion on certain things. But when it comes to adult-life-realtime decisions, am I scared to try for something tht I wouldn';t get right away, or maybe not at all? Why does my courage shoot through the roof in some situtions but dive deep into the earth's inner core for others?

I'm going to find out.

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