Friday, March 28, 2008

courtesy text

screw and run, one-night stand, we've all been there. You're hot and heavy in the wee hours of the night and feel on top (no pun intended) of the world. It's just you and him---kissing, laughing, cuddling, thinking about all the great places this hookup is going. The kicker is the next day when you're babysitting your phone waiting for him to text (and dare i say call)..patiently waiting and digging deep into your creative jusices for excuses as to why "he just couldn't call". Today I spent the whole day attatched to my phone hoping he would call me. When he failed to, I told myself his phone was out of charge, out of range, everything uder the sun. In fact, I made up more excuses for him than he could have ever thought up himself. Instead of facingthe reality: if he really wanted to talk to me, he'd find a way-- I found solace in my vivid musuem of excuses.

Perhaps the need to make excuses for why he didn't call or text is because in my mind i feel like i am owed some sort of post-coital communication. Its as if sex creates some sort of social debt, whereby the sexual initiator subliminally agrees to not be an asshole the next day, if they get the lay they want. As-freakin-if. The lack of post-coital communication leaves me wondering, "was he full of shit when he said all those nice things?" YES. "did he act like we really had a connection, when all the while he knew it was going nowhere but wanted the rush of the moment?" YES. YES.YES.YES. The truth is, sex (whether we like it or not) is never a contract that mandates a call the next day. Call me old-fashioned, but even thought i feel post-coital communication is gentlemanly and straight up good sexual decorum, the reality is--chivarly is dead and one-night stands have killed it. Don't get me wrong, I think there should always be come sort of "I didn't just use you" phone call or text. Its just common decency. Just to rant a little, post-coital communication is like sending a thank-you note. It can be short, simple, whatever--the point is, its an acknowledgement. Even the wham-bam-thank-you-mam's deserve a the courtesy text. "But I just don't know what to say" is a commonly used excuse. #1) if you don't know what to say, thats crap, you do know--but you're to much of a pussy to say it. #2) something, anything is better than nothing.

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