Push me down, I’ll bounce back higher. Tell me I can’t, watch me do it faster, better, stronger. It’s just the way I am. Defeating doubt, is my high. I love to stake a claim against all odds and then beat it beyond reality. I’m an underdog junkie, and if I could mainline my anger, I’d have more syringes than an AIDS clinic . One most-unfortunate fight has caused me to look the offending asshole in the eye, and vow for vengence to be mine. Sure, you won this one. Good job, nice work. But I’m a war kinda gal. If I lose battle every now and then, so be it. But you better believe my name is what’s going down in history under the victor title. I am doer. I just don’t have it in me to go down without a fight. A look at my childhood will quickly illuminate my penchant for coming out on top. My mother will be the first one to tell you that my “last-word” tendencies, FAR exceeded that of normal children. I didn’t just need the last word, I needed the satisfaction of knowing that the offending party was aware that they had been upstaged. The petty “We both know that you LOST” feeling. Mmmmmhhhh. It’s kinda sick, and a little disturbing how good egotistical winning feels. Yea, yea, yea, there is always the question of when people get hurt, does anyone really win? Um, I’d being lying if I said no. On the larger scale, it’s wrong and I know it. I’ll pay for it in the long run. But right now…put it on my tab. He fucked with the wrong person, one too many times. If it’s gotta be this way, then pitch it to me. I’ll swing away EVERY time. True, our relationship is going to take a hit. It will likely take tears, tissues, and time. But that’s ok. Those things I’ve got. What I don’t have? Is patience. I’m not down to pave your walkway with my heart. I’ve done that. You don’t care, you exceed the speed limit and throw cigarette butts out your window. Fuck him. In all fairness, I’m sure if he knew beforehand that our mild fight would escalate into world-war proportions he may have reconsidered his words. A day late, and a dollar short. No going back now. This ship has sailed, next stop: “Apology not Accepted.”
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Keepin it Classy
Today we ventured out to my grandmother’s favorite discount warehouse: walmart. Quickly, I realized that this superstore is merely a front for a “social slaughterhouse”. Where else can you find children over the age of 10, still sucking their thumbs, or ladies named “ L’Shawn” sporting 3 inch acrylic nails, each nail containing a letter of everyone’s favorite explitive that rhymes with “Luck”, Oh L’Shawn, I would hug you, except the pistol tat on your neck…it kinda scares me. Walmart is prime real estate for wedgie watching. If you’ve never seen grown adults shamelessly pick their asses, this is the spot. Its like some sort of white-trash rite of passage. Not to be all hoity toighty, but where I’m from, we pick our asses in private. We keep that shit on the DOWN LOW. Oh, no, not at walmart. That sort of display is commonplace! You know what else is commonplace? Um, eating while shopping. I’m not talking about munching food court-purchased popcorn and Icees. I’m talking like full on opening bags of chips AND SALSA!!! While in the store! I wish I was kidding here. I actually saw a family eating a bag of chips and dipping them into a jar of salsa in their cart...And in case you’re wondering where the drinks were to wash it down? They had several beverages in tow. I’m just surprised little Tommy wasn’t doing kegstands from the mini Heiniken. No this family must have been confused. See the way it works is: First PAY for the food, then bag it, bring it HOME, and THEN consume. I’m not even going to imagine the double-dipping that must have been going on. But really, I could probably have looked the other way if they had been discreetly snacking on their fritos, instead of heaving their hands into the chip bag and dunking the innocent corn chips into a sea of salsa, before sloshing it down their throats. Oh Walmart, you classy joint you! All hope was officially lost when we hit the bike aisle. I narrowly missed getting into a head-on collision with an unaccompanied minor who was free-wheelin, needless to say without a helmet, on an unpaid bicycle. This adorable little convict-in-training, was lucky enough to veer left as I swerved my grandmother’s wheelchair to the right., narrowly avoiding an ambulance ride to the hospital Close call. Not to worry though, this small episode of road rage certainly wouldn’t have been complete had I not heard him call me a bitch under his breath before he pedaled the 10-speed down the next aisle. I can die happy. Wedgie picking, snacking, and biking aside, Walmart is a great place to spend the afternoon…if you’re HIGH! Otherwise, avoid the social-abyss, and head to somewhere a little more worthwhile. A pawn shop for example. Odds are you’ll be a lot safer.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
When in doubt...dip it in ranch.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Orange “My-Shit-Doesn’t-Stink” County

You, with Louis Vuitton carryon luggage, wearing an obnoxiously bright velour jumpsuit with “Juicy” sprawled across your lipo’d ass…Drop the act. Yea, this whole “I’m too rich/hot/important…whatever” business isn’t cute. It certainly doesn’t make me look at you and think, “wow, I want to be her.” No, it makes me think, “That lady watches to much Bravo TV and I hope to God, I NEVER end up a minion serving in her poser hell.” Even worse? When these botox’d sacks of skin wear sunglasses…in an AIRPORT. What are you? The fucking unibomber? A celebrity? Neither? Well then take of the oversized Channels, honey. You don’t need them. I’m pretty sure you can remove the shades while inside the baggage terminal, the paparrazi have bigger fish to fry. Oh, and “adding-bling” to your cell phone was cool like 5 years ago. Take off the rhinestones. If you’re using a phone capable of wi-fi and high-tech digital imaging, then you’re phone doesn’t need sparkly decorations in the form of crystal rhinestones. Grow up. And what’s with the fake tan smell? Don’t get me wrong here, it’s California, sunshine and tanning go together like Lindsey Lohan and a bag of blow. But the smell? Really? I thought Lorea’l solved that problem like two summers ago! Nobody even makes the stinky stuff anymore!! Which begs the question of exactly how much self-tanner must be applied in order to generate such a stench? Lay off the faux glow. Another thing? What the hell do you keep in your big-ass purse? Or is the whole “purse” thing just a ruse, because you think carrying a PARACHUTE is “tres” chic? I got news for you: #1) Your not that important, we know that your bag is empty save for a phone, lipstick, and a wallet of maxed out credit cards. #2) If you’re not a mom, downsize your bag. You don’t need a minivan of surface area stowed beneath your arm, to display designer logos. Cheap, not chic. It’s an accessory, not an appliance. Lastly, Orange-County clowns, lose the phony zen books, which describe philosophy you either #1) don’t understand or #2) blatently ignore. Yes, yes, it is so cool to be all Buddhist spiritual and vegan. But really, when you’re a walking hypocrisy to everything discussed in that “trippy” little book, it kinda makes me want to call Paris Hilton and send her you’re your audition tape for an untapped MTV reality series. So let’s drop the act Orange County. Yes, Fox may have made a television show and dubbed it after your namesake, but if that’s the going rate for “cool” I’m moving to the valley. See ya in Lancaster bitches.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Never keep score, but Never forget.
Words well spoken. This concept recently emerged when recalling a certain friend. I think this "mantra" is a great little motto. Let me explain. Think of that person that you never have to remind about pasft-due favors. They always remember, they always hook you back up, and never make you feel like you owe them. These "G's" are the gangstas' of giving. When you think of these people, I'll bet you also notice that they seem to get away with a lot too. Like, they never get caught, stand without, or lack. Everything works out for them. Huh? How do they do it? I think the secret forumla is quite simple. Too simple..almost. These people never keep score or tabs on people, they don't need to. Nope. But, they damn-sure remember the good that's been done for them and seek to make above-and-beyond reparations. Therefore, people like them. They survive and thrive in a vortex of good-coming, because of their abundant outlook. They give like, they've got, therefore...They get. And continue to get. It's really awesome. Seems totally doable...right? On paper and in theory this seems basic and shockingly-uncomplicated. But in action, the plan is WORK. It's not easy to fight the egoic state that can cloud the mind and result total being-selfsihness. But I'm going to try. I get it, I do. (And I hope I didn't too-badly butcher the message, here)...but I want to live it. So I am. I'm living in an abundant state of happiness, with the intention to love and spread it. Join my little experiment and try my mini-mantra: Never keep score, but never forget. You don't stand anything to lose, that you wouldn't have lost anyways.
Friday, November 20, 2009
How Do They Know?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Field Trips....and other fun things that make my want to poke needles through my eyelids.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It really is THAT simple...until I complicate it.
Lately I've been doing some (very) mild soul searching. I kind of hit a low point and in sheer desperation began seeking, something, ANYTHING to pick me, dust me off, and kiss my boo-boos. Would i like some cheese with my ginormous wine?!? No, thanks. I'll pass. Instead, I did what I do best: turned to books. I dabbled in the self-helpy section, and floated around in spiritual limbo before realizing, that all I've got to do is: SHOW UP. Here I sat, throwing my pitty party, totally convinced that I was never going to get back up. My problems seemed of enormous proportion, certainly too big for me to tackle. My problems here in the natural world, could only be resolved with supernatural hep. So what to do? Well, after reading, meditating, and talking to friends, I have ultimately come to the conclusion that I can and must do only 1 single thing: SHOW UP. That's right. Just SHOW UP. Here's the thing--I have come to believe that if I do my part, everything within my capacity to improve my condition, God will do the rest. For some reason my twisted (read: lazy) mind mistook God for a shoe salesmen at Nordstrom who I could beckon my size and style to, and he would go to the "back" and magically reappear holding the answer to all my problems while I sat on a plush leather chair. Nope. Not even close. See, so far, I'm learning that God helps those that help themselves. When we behave in self-destructive manners there's this little voice inside that quietly says, "yea, whoo-hoo. This feels goooooooood." Then the next day you wake up and another voice (usually of reason) looks back upon the previous day and extracts punishment. All. Day. Long. Thus this vicious cycle of good/bad repeats and progress hesitates to be made. So, in recognizing this, I made a deal with myself. If I screw up, so be it. I don't need to go and make it worse. Accept my mistakes. Roll with the punches. Even if they suck. But DON'T STOP SHOWING UP. See mistakes as just that. Mistakes. They are going to happen, but we make the choice to use them as a learning tool to our benefit or a weapon for our own defeat. When you decide to show up, you take your mistakes and flaws with the grace of a woman and not the grief of a child. You dust YOURSELF off, pick YOURSELF up, and promise YOURSELF that the pangs of this mistake will not be felt again. That's showing up. Once you make that decision, the rest is up to God. But God can't do his part, if you don't do yours. God isn't wearing a suit at Nordstrom waiting with a pair of stilettos, perfectly in your size, to slip on your cinderella'd foot. God is the grace that comes when we do our best. When we make the commitment to do our best, we can count on two things: #1) There's nothing more we can do. let the chips fall where they may. and #2) God doesn't operate in our natural world. He's in the big leagues. He is capable of far more than our miniscule minds can even comprehend. So, try it. Just show up. Find whatever "brown sauce" is lurking in your life and attack!! I know, that if you sincerely (and only you will know how hard you try), make a "go" at it--you will be utterly amazed at how mighty you are. Show up. And wear comfy shoes, you might have to do some walking.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Gym..and other minutia of my Life
Warning: MAJOR rant ahead!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I'm not that good, but I know people who are
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Today while anxiously driving home, trying to avoid the temptation to text-while-driving, I got to thinking about why ANYONE would ever want to date me for longer than an hour. Hmmm, I thought to myself. I can totally understand why guys in a bar would buy me a drink and throw casual conversation my way in an effort to bed me, but date me? Well, now that's a mystery. If i were of the opposite sex I would expect a girlfriend who, say, cooks awesome dinners, and shaves her legs daily, while always remaining quite the lady. But no. Not I. So, to get to the bottom of this mystery, I made a pro/con list. And here's what I got:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Humility is Hot
Gym Rats
While some people lightly refer to these sweathouse-toture chambers as "health clubs" I prefer to cut the shit and call it like I see 'em. It's no secret that the gym is a place of obligatory attendance. When faced with the question: Would I rather go home and lazily plop down on the couch and waste my afternoon reading, or high tail it to the gym to sweat my ass off and run 6 grueling miles--the answer is pretty obvious. So, I kind it somewhat facetious that someone would say, "oh, working out for 3.5 hours is fun for me, I enjoy it!" (Smile!!). Liar. I call bullshit. There happens to be a smug little Asian girl who religiously works out for hours on end and wears the SAME thing EVERY day. Upon applauding her dedication, her phony reply of claiming to "prefer" the gym, only made me hate her more. I mean, come on, be honest--it sucks. Running for an hour while your boobs are pancaked into a sports bra and sweat pours down your forehead (ruining a completely perfect blow-out), totally blows. Yes, there are things you can do to negate the torture of exercise such as read a magazine or listen to your ipod. sure, but those can only distract your mind for so long, that is, until the bitching and moaning coming from your aching body begs for it to be over. And this woman claims to "enjoy it"...sure.right. She works out like a banche and she can't even have ONE slightly normal human quality: empathy? Let's be real, we all probably hate her anyways because day in and day out, she does what I can't....and then she can't even have the human decency to sympathize with me? Bitch. I want to like her, I do. I want to appreciate her efforts, again, I do! But not with her attitude. That phony line of crap doesn't fool me. No, it sure doesn't...BUT what it does do is force me into ultra competitive mode so that I, too, can look pleasant and amicable while I beat her ass of the treadmill. If she thinks its all rainbows and lollipops, damn right I'm going to give her a run for her money and sprint right next to her. Yup, fake it 'till ya make it sister!