Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Gospel according to Erin

The Ten Commandments of Love, Life and everything in between.

1) The whole, "Nothing is perfect" couldn't be more off. Instead, EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. It's all a matter of perspective. Things are what we make them, and perception is everything. I know, I know, hardship by its very nature is hard. Translation..sucky. BUT, and there is a but, the silver lining of hardship is always growth. and that is good. So maybe your too-tight skinny jeans don't feel perfect, but its motivation to get into fighting form. A swift kick in the ass never feels fun at first, but look closer. Look deeper. Because when you only see the surface, it's pretty tough to not be shallow.

2) God didn't create the world in a day. So don't expect yourself to be able to either. It's all about babysteps, guys. Doing small things everyday to bring you closer to your goal seems tedious. I of all people am a "NOW" kinda gal. I want results immediately. I'm all about the bing, bang, zoom. Pump out a 10 page paper in one sitting--no sweat. Spend a whole Sunday doing laundry--fine. But maybe it's not so all-or-nothing. It's simple. Our lives are a masterpiece. OUR masterpiece. Do you really want to rush through it so that something is on the canvas? Or would taking time to perfect it be a better representation? So don't rush the process, take each day one watercolored brush-stroke at a time.

3) Dating and Mating. It's a dangerous duo. But if there's one thing I've learned it's: Never give away more of yourself, than you can afford to lose. Dating is fun, pretty low steaks, but throw in mating (sorry mom) and get ready to up the ante. Committing to someone takes a certain level of security, not only in the other person, but more importantly in yourself. I've found it very difficult to love someone, when I'm consumed with hating myself. So the take away? Before being able to be happy with someone else, make sure you're happy with yourself. It may not be the perfect yellow brick road to success, but it's certainly better than a traffic-jammed freeway commute.

...alright, my creative mojo is weaning so rather than half-ass my thoughts onto this post I'm going to resume tomorrow. Even Moses took his time before God slated His 10!

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