Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It amazes me how easy it is to take things for granted. How often do we go about life, doing or even COMPLAINING about the day-today? Sometimes it takes losing something to fully appreciate how much we actually value it. Today my knee hurt. really bad. Just as I was getting back into the swing of running, a chore I typically bitch and moan about doing, I fell captive to a bum knee that throbbed and ached with every step I took today. It made me think, "Wow, all those times I complained about having to go to the gym..all those times I angrily cursed the treadmill..." What I wouldn't give to be able to have a full run. At this point, my usual protest of being too tired would be welcomed over the shooting pain that pulsed through my knee. As I begrudgingly hobbled off the treadmill, I wished (prayed) for a pain-free knee. I tried to bargain with God by mentally promising not to complain again if only He would heal my knee. Turns out the gym isn't a swap meet, and God isn't a geenie. But He is a good teacher. Maybe the lesson wasn't about running at all. I took away a message about gratitude. Instead of blindly operating throughout my day, I decided it was time to take inventory of my blessings. Take our cars for example. How often do we buckle up and stress about the gas tank, or complain about the mess in the backseat? Imagine how much more difficult life would be WITHOUT the luxury of a car. Thank GOODNESS I have a vehicle that operates. Without it, how would I get to work? Run errands to the grocery store? All the little mundane things that require us to get from point "A" to point "B". Wow, all of a sudden having a dirty car seems pretty insignificant in the grand scope of things. In true self-help form I forced myself to think of 20 things I take for granted and list them....So here they are
1) My healthy, functioning body (knees included)
2) My car
3) Computer
4) Cell phone
5) Fridge
6) Couch (If you knew me when i lived on Missouri St. you'd know that actual furniture is a big step up from my minimalist beach chair motif)
7) eyes--God, I love reading, I'd be screwed without my vision!
8) My bank account--humble yes, but adequate
9)Shoes--being barefoot all day would make for one hell of a long day
10) Clear..ish skin--don't know how pretty your skin is until its covered in zits--gross, i know. but true.
11) Arms--yes they may be fat, but I'm sure glad I have two arms to help me haul all my crap
12) My mind--although sometimes it works against me, I am so thankful I have all of my faculties and can process the world around me.
13) Love..'nough said
14) Mentors--Who knows how hard life would be without someone to ask and answer questions.
15) Health insurance.
16) my computer!!!!
17) ipod--it would take at least twice the motivation to get me to the gym without it.
18) my apartment...i love coming home to what's MINE
19) My bed--totally comfy and welcoming after a long day.
20) God--Even when ego causes me to lose sight, I can always count on God to stick around.

So, take some inventory. What are the "needs" in your life? What would it be like without them? It goes along with being present, but I challenge you to take an hour of the day to focus on what you do, what you use, what you depend on--and appreciate that which makes them possible. It shouldn't take losing something for us to start appreciating it. Now go out there are appreciate your heart out!

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