Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Now don't get me wrong here, I am a major fan of the ginormous amounts of food you can get at wholesale prices (totaly deal!)..but i am certainly NOT a fan of the hostility surrounding the asile-ladden sample carts. We've all been there. Cruising up and down the aisles of the giant warehouse, when parked conveniently next to a promotional food a small sample cart appears, usually backed by a gray-haired old lady sporting a hair net. She's probably even wearing an apron with the appropriate costco name tag, reading "Betty". There she stands dolling out delicious mini-bites in an effort to lure customers into tossing the item into their carts for purchase. This sounds innocent enough right? Well it is...until it isn't. Innocence is suddenly lost when voracious shoppers close in and swoop down on the tiny samples, like saber-tooth tigers grouping the meat off a dying gazelle in an African jungle. You get the picture.
Seriously, I kid you not, I have seen grown adults not-so-tactfully meander their way in front of patient people in an effort to seize a freebie. Now its one thing when you see a kid clad in his soccer uniform do it. The kid's 12, he's hungry, and for all intents and purposes has little to no clue of (declining) social norms. But it is a whole nother story when it's a 50 year old lady wearing elastic-waist band pants and a wannabe Lakers jersey. Hell, even if it's a 30 year old in a collared shirt with high heels on! STILL RUDE! Not to be condescending here, but for reals? You're going to sidestep your dignity and manners and barge into people to score a sample? Wow. Costco membership is not a weekend buffet. This isn't China, and if you're shopping for costco sized foods, chances are you're not starving. No, just greedy (and/or) stingy. Look cheapskates, pass up the freebie and save your dignity. Ya look ridiculous! And God forbid it's ME that your big ass bumps out of the way for a sample, because when I see you in the check out line, revenge is mine bitch! Another quip? When these foodies bombard the sample cart they totally ditch their basket, leaving their groceries, purse, and, um, CHILD completely unattended. Where are the purse snatchers when you need them? Oh, probably racing to the next sample cart. Figures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with planning your meal around your bi-weekly visit to Costco....If you are smart, you hit the sample areas first. fill up (free meal), then decide what you need... They do say, never shop when hungry. If only they would say no children...they always take more than one, then poor "Betty" gets frustrated because she just took 7-9 minutes to heat up that canned soup in here skillet.