Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gym Rats

While some people lightly refer to these sweathouse-toture chambers as "health clubs" I prefer to cut the shit and call it like I see 'em. It's no secret that the gym is a place of obligatory attendance. When faced with the question: Would I rather go home and lazily plop down on the couch and waste my afternoon reading, or high tail it to the gym to sweat my ass off and run 6 grueling miles--the answer is pretty obvious. So, I kind it somewhat facetious that someone would say, "oh, working out for 3.5 hours is fun for me, I enjoy it!" (Smile!!). Liar. I call bullshit. There happens to be a smug little Asian girl who religiously works out for hours on end and wears the SAME thing EVERY day. Upon applauding her dedication, her phony reply of claiming to "prefer" the gym, only made me hate her more. I mean, come on, be honest--it sucks. Running for an hour while your boobs are pancaked into a sports bra and sweat pours down your forehead (ruining a completely perfect blow-out), totally blows. Yes, there are things you can do to negate the torture of exercise such as read a magazine or listen to your ipod. sure, but those can only distract your mind for so long, that is, until the bitching and moaning coming from your aching body begs for it to be over. And this woman claims to "enjoy it"...sure.right. She works out like a banche and she can't even have ONE slightly normal human quality: empathy? Let's be real, we all probably hate her anyways because day in and day out, she does what I can't....and then she can't even have the human decency to sympathize with me? Bitch. I want to like her, I do. I want to appreciate her efforts, again, I do! But not with her attitude. That phony line of crap doesn't fool me. No, it sure doesn't...BUT what it does do is force me into ultra competitive mode so that I, too, can look pleasant and amicable while I beat her ass of the treadmill. If she thinks its all rainbows and lollipops, damn right I'm going to give her a run for her money and sprint right next to her. Yup, fake it 'till ya make it sister!


Anonymous said...

Great analogy.....competition is inherit to all of us....however some have a higher dose than others...I guess you are a very competitive lady. Just remember, if she has 3.5 hours to be in the gym and enjoy it...she probably does not have anything else. Thanks for calling it like you see it.

Anonymous said...

Love your anology.... Erin, I love your positivity and you are a great person, glad to be as close as I am to your Mother she did a great job raising you, and glad my daughter is great friends with your sister Cori she is also an excellent girl. One I would love to have around my dauhter's for life. You have inspired me girl ! Keep is up !
