Friday, November 20, 2009

How Do They Know?

How do mother's always seem to know when you've gone out and been irresponsible? "Ah," you might argue, "my mother doesn't always know when I've been acting naughty, surely there are times when I've gotten away with it." And true, you might have gotten away with it a time or two. But, I'll bet your mother has at least an 8 for 10 record when it comes to calling you FIRST thing in the morning when you're deathly hungover. My mom. She's good. I am not sure I've ever gotten one past her. She's onto me. Good Luck, Cori.

Really though. In case the throbbing headache and vodka-vommit smell plaguing the carpet weren't punishment enough, the pre-10 am cell phone call really seems to sock it to me. It is at precisely this moment, when the iPhone induced-self-made-ringtone, really just makes my ears want to bleed. Not only is it obnoxiously loud, but it is also the karmic-kick-in-the-ass for the poor choices from the prior evening. Alas, today I found myself in this very cozy predicament. Inevitably, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to relish the idea of having no work on using Thursday night responsibly, to, I don't know. Pack and collect the necessary items for my trip (which is in like less than 48 hours away)? Aw,Shucks! HELL NO. Instead I opted to pull my economic weight and go spend other people's the form of adult beverages. several. Great, idea....Not so much. Especially when you wake up to: no food in your refrigerator, a sore throat, and shorts that are on backwards. Needless to say this winning combo of a day all before the wee hours of noon, really makes me feel accomplished. My inner-Winner needs some glitter.


Anonymous said...

But you're a darn good writer... you got that going for you. And don't sell yourself short. You probably got a few past your Mom but just so you think Moms have this incredible radar-ability is good enough for me.
By the way, did I say that I meant to look at the clock before I dialed your number... I just forgot 'til it was too late.

Anonymous said...

Mother's have that un-canny ability to know what is going on....And yes, Mother's may look at the clock and say they shouldn't call, but in the end they want you to know that they know what is going on......just that extra jab as you get down on your hands and knees to clean up that vodka vomit laced carpet and ponder how my shorts are on backwards.....afterall, I am smart enough to be able to formulate great words on paper, but put my shorts on backwards....